200 patients have been benefited from the Telemedicine unit for recording of Encephalography between Baza Hospital and the University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves. With it, users particularly fragile, mainly elderly, pediatric and comatose people have access, for three years, the Service of Clinical Neurophysiology Granada hospital without physically moving to the capital.
People don´t move, are studies or cases which travel in real time thanks to computer science from the Computer of the doctor in Baza Hospital, to the computer of the specialist in Granada Hospital.
Target population of Baza Hospital are 70.000 people, normally in little towns with big difficults for travelling, bigger at winter. For all them, telemedicine is a great solution for their problems, easier, faster and comfortable. They receive their medical diagnostic at reference hospital in Baza without trips to reference hospital in Granada.
post published at www.hospitaldigital.com
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